Summer School
‘LiverpOulipo’ will be a two-day workshop in July 2025, forming part of the University of Liverpool’s Continuing Education Summer School, which will have the theme of ‘Literary Creativity’.
The three-week Summer School will take place at 126 Mount Pleasant from Mon 14 July – Fri 1 August 2025. More details to be announced, but save the dates for LiverpOulipo on Tue 22 & Wed 23 July 2025 (10am – 4pm).
Phil’s two-day LiverpOulipo Summer School will be all about wordplay and writing exercises inspired by the Oulipians.
Participants will need to find creative solutions as various rules and restrictions are imposed on their writing. Georges Perec wrote a 300-page novel (A Void, 1969) without using the letter E.
Jonathan Safran Foer’s ‘Tree of Codes’ (2010) was created by cutting holes out of pages from Bruno Schulz’s ‘The Street of Crocodiles’ to leave a new, much shorter story.