One of three editors of The Manchester Anthology 2017 as well as fiction editor
An excerpt from Phil’s short story ‘Lorem Ipsum’ also features in the collection of fiction and poetry by Centre for New Writing master’s students. The anthology features a foreword by award-winning science fiction author Geoff Ryman.
Part of the wider editorial team for The Manchester Anthology 2016.
Phil proofread fiction submissions by fellow Creative Writing MA students.
A book launch for The Manchester Anthology 2016 was hosted at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation on Thursday 8 September 2016.
Wrote the script for ‘Shoot Liverpool: A Novel Adventure’, June 2009
Phil collaborated with London-based Shoot Experience to create an interactive photography event at Liverpool’s Bluecoat.
He scripted a story which sent participants off around the city centre, capturing segments of the tale with their cameras. The event culminated in an exhibition of photographs at Open Eye Gallery.
Writing festivals and conferences
- Edge Hill Festival of Ideas 2019 (including Chris Power and Tessa Hadley)
- Cork International Short Story Festival 2019 (including Julian Barnes and Kevin Barry)
- Flash Fiction Festival 2018, Bristol + 2017, Bath
- Man Booker 50 Festival at the Southbank Centre, 2018, London (including Kazuo Ishiguro)
- Greenwich Book Festival 2018, London
- Northern Short Story Festival 2019, 18, 17 + 16, Leeds
- Writing on the Wall’s WoWFest, 2019, 18 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09 + 08, Liverpool
- Manchester Literature Festival, 2019, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 + 12
- National Creative Writing Graduate Fair 2018, 17 + 16, Manchester
- Place Writing Festival 2017, Manchester
- Northern Lights Writers’ Conference 2017, Sale
- London Short Story Festival 2015 + 14 (including a Toby Litt masterclass in 2015)
- Bristol Festival of Ideas 2013 (including George Saunders)
- In Other Words Literary Festival 2013, Liverpool
- Chapter & Verse Literature Festival, Bluecoat, 2011, 10, 09 + 08, Liverpool
- Copywriting Conference 2019, Barbican, London
- Content>>Ed Conference 2019, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh
- Content>>Ed Conference 2018, 30 Euston Square, London
- Communications and Marketing Conference 2017 + 2018, The University of Manchester
- Copywriting Conference 2017, The Crystal, London
- Arts Marketing Association (AMA) conference 2010, Curve Theatre, Leicester
- Arts Marketing Association (AMA) conference 2009, Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds